Monday 16 February 2009


So, im trying to relax and successfully do my assignment and I have chosen the topic of smoking, hence the title of this entry. However, as a none smoker im finding it hard to relate to why people would really want to smoke. Smoking has never really appealled to me. Its werid, because everyone in my house smokes apart from myself. Growing up I never really gave into peer pressure like my other friends, I always strongly believed that weak minded people took up smoking, beacuase from a young age they felt desperate to impress there peers or become "popular," as some would say. Personally I dont think theres anything popular about clogging up your lungs with black tar, but hey, free will and all that.

Infact in relation to smoking, I was out saturday night (subculture up Birmingham if anyones knows or cares.) And I went with a few friends that smoke, and as we all know smokers now have to go outside to light up. Well, so im not on my lonesome in the club I obviously go out with my friends while they get there latest dose of nicotine. I cant help but pity my friends everytime they try and give me a fag, they know I don't smoke but still they persist on making me have one. I wonder why this is? so I ask. I quote my friend, "Beacause daz, you know deep down it looks cool." Well.....does it really? I suppose you would have to be part of the smoking crowd to really know the answer to that. However, certain aspects were coverd in the lecture, and it makes sense why people depict smoking as "cool". But for me, and for now, I still think its a gross habit.

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